Which language, Python or Java, has a better future scope in India?


Data on Stack Overflow question views going back to late 2011, and in this time period we can consider the growth of Python relative to five other major programming languages. (Note that this is therefore a shorter time scale than the Trends tool, which goes back to 2008). These are currently six of the ten most-visited Stack Overflow tags in high-income countries; the four we didn’t include are CSS, HTML, Android, and JQuery.

June 2017 was the first month that Python was the most visited tag on Stack Overflow within high-income nations. This included being the most visited tag within the US and the UK, and in the top 2 in almost all other high income nations (next to either Java or JavaScript). This is especially impressive because in 2012, it was less visited than any of the other 5 languages, and has grown by 2.5-fold in that time.

There was a case when a recruiter wanted to recruit 10 programmers each for Java and Python. While about a 100 of good resumes flooded in for Java, there were only 8 good ones for python. So clearly, they had to go through a long process to filter out good candidates for Java, and for python they had no choice but to hire those 8 candidates for Python.

Not very long ago, one of India’s unicorn software companies faced a dilemma. It had won a $200 million (Rs. 1200 crore) contract with a large US bank to develop an app store for them. But the company lacked enough dexterous Python programmers. Since Python language was the best for the project, it ended up paying thrice the billing amount to a group of freelance Python programmers in the US instead. And now there are more permanent Jobs for Python.

Lets’ talk about Java as well

There is huge enterprise — level software in Java. Big corporations rely on Java for some good reasons. There will be a strong Demand for Java developers for many decades to come.

Python is solid, secure, well engineered and there are many frameworks and other support for it. It is also a good choice for a steady career. Also, Java is the language for Android development, which will remain relevant for many coming years.

In actual, among the major programming languages, each one seems to be having found a ‘sweet spot’. An area where it shines in comparison to other languages.

Know more about Java and Python

Best Python Course in Pune

Best Advance Java Course in Pune

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